It's been my experience that obnoxious, rude, overbearing, opinionated folks 
most often have an insecurity complex i.e. an underlying lack of self-worth 
that is often sublimated by grandiosity and verbose, not to mention other less 
than likeable personality traits. Personality disorder are hard to overcome... 
Neurosis is easy in comparison.
 I was once told by a dear friend, " you have no Idea how your words hurt 
people" and  my Xwife once said , " Can you just say it's only what you THINK, 
before you make your dictatorial assertions of TRUTH? Gosh, wonder why she is 
another X. ; ) 
 ... topping those, when I was perhaps 50 years old, my dear sweet Father. 
during a 'conversation', became beet red and calmly said, "You are the most 
over bearing person I have ever known"... that got my attention,  later that 
day I apologized; and have since then made a concerted effort to temper my 
speech and to understand why I need to be the "right man." Glad I 'got it'.. 
works better for all... mostly for me.        

larry tankersley; Gainesville,Florida USA