are ALL and ALWAYS loaded with energy.
It was the great Italian educationist and medical doctor Maria Montessori who 
told her students '..let your words be counted..'
Many gurus will tel you to speak less, and if you do, to speak in a sweet soft 
voice - watching the portent of your utterings.
There are Masters warning us not to speak evil of others (gossipping) lest you 
want to loose your memory at a more advanced age; and there more warnings and 
good advices of the like.
Too many different views to be ignored.
WORDS are powerful .. they can either build up, of break down .. alas too often 
they do not build up.

From: la...@webtv.netto: silver-l...@eskimo.comdate: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 21:08:46 
+0000Subject: CS>Obnoxious people...

It's been my experience that obnoxious, rude, overbearing, opinionated folks 
most often have an insecurity complex i.e. an underlying lack of self-worth 
that is often sublimated by grandiosity and verbose, not to mention other less 
than likeable personality traits. Personality disorder are hard to overcome... 
Neurosis is easy in comparison.I was once told by a dear friend, " you have no 
Idea how your words hurt people" and  my Xwife once said , " Can you just say 
it's only what you THINK, before you make your dictatorial assertions of TRUTH? 
Gosh, wonder why she is another X. ; ) ... topping those, when I was perhaps 50 
years old, my dear sweet Father. during a 'conversation', became beet red and 
calmly said, "You are the most over bearing person I have ever known"... that 
got my attention,  later that day I apologized; and have since then made a 
concerted effort to temper my speech and to understand why I need to be the 
"right man." Glad I 'got it'.. works better for all... mostly for me.        
larry tankersley; Gainesville,Florida USA
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