Seems like EVERY TIME we all get sick here it is my oldest daughter or
grandbaby that introduces it into our home. Last winter I contracted
something from them and I got so sick I thought I was hospital bound!

I knew it had turned into pneumonia and have no health insurance so I
am not one to run to the doc or hospital.

I actually ended up having to sleep sitting in my chair for two nights
due to the amount of fluid in and coming out of my lungs.

It was CS, probiotics, vit c & e  and homeopathic remedies that
finally pulled me out of it!

Well........... Here it is the first of the cold season hits and my
granddaughter came to spend the night (Sat) and sure enough she was

I thought OH *...@# NO..........Not again. So I started her on a regimen
of my homemade CS right away , approx an 1/8th of a cup, 4 times a
day.  Don't know if it is relative but she is 8 years old and weighs
approx 80 lbs.  Sunday she went home but within an hour called me
crying saying she didn't feel good, could she come back. So my
daughter brought her back.

She did miss two days of school,  she stayed here, but after 2 1/2
days she cleared of whatever she had and is back to school today. Had
it not been for the CS, She would still be sick and home; I have no
doubt about it!

In the meantime my daughter was sick off and on last night and then
came home from work sick today. It's kinda aggravating cause she had
not been taking the cs like I had instructed her to to.

GRRRRR.......... When she called me one of the first things she said
was I started taking the CS. I really think it could have been avoided
completely had she started 3 days ago when I gave her a qrt.!


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