The Natural Products Association is a trade organization which represents
industry. It is not a public citizens group at all. The word "natural" is
really meaningless. John Hammell has spoken out about this group before in
regards to Codex.

What has happened to many of the largest vitamin companies is that
controlling interests have been sold to big pharma companies. Also persons
that represent big pharma have been placed on their board of directors. What
seems to be afoot is that they are trying to drive out all the smaller
companies and completion. But, there is also a movement to establish upper
safe limits on vitamins and restrict what products are allowed to be sold.
In this way, they can make the vitamin companies more like drug companies.
The costs of testing, etc. will restrict who is able to pay those costs
(which will then be passed on to consumers.) It will help them make a big
monopoly out of the vitamin industry, just like the drug industry. Profits,
profits. Prices will skyrocket and big pharma wins again.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tad Winiecki" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 3:43 AM
Subject: RE: CS>FDA Announces Plan to Eliminate Vitamin Companies

I read the newstarget link and also went to the link-

"Founded in 1936, the Natural Products Association is the nation’s
largest and oldest non-profit organization dedicated to the natural
products industry. The Natural Products Association represents more
than 10,000 retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors of
natural products, including foods, dietary supplements, and
health/beauty aids."

It has a link for people to protest the government's interference in
our right to have safe, affordable vitamins.  Are these really the bad
guys?  Who is the writer of this article and what do you actually know
about him?  It seems like a complicated thing to decide just who the
bad guys are unless you know more.


On Jan 18, 2008, at 4:21 AM, faith gagne wrote:

> Read the article. Under "Trade Groups and Their Big Companies Turn
> on America" , NOW is listed in the 4th paragraph down.


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