Pharma bought Vitamin companies because they make big profits and aren't subject to all the expensive FDA regs they have to pay for, because *we the people* don't.

They were sold "to the highest bidder" by those "altruistic founders" of those companies because the price was met, justified by the profit margins and market share.
None of it had anything to do with Government.
  Just pure business.
 Government may eventually step in with anti trust [monopoly] laws.


Sure Ode. All small business owners want to be lured out of business by a few carrots. All small small business owners are stupid and want to give up their lucrative incomes and are blind to what pharmas and the FDA are doing.. Government has everything to do with business, where have you been?

If the Government had not demolished the anti trust laws we already had we wouldn't be in this pickle today. It was in pharmagovernment's best interest to do so. Faith G.

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