AGreed.  Faith G.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: joe bloggs 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:43 AM
  Subject: CS>

  Ode wrote:
  .....The FDA was formed to get a handle on Cocaine and Opium Patent Medicine 
    Their job was to ensure drug safety because the people were too dumb to 
  not buy into that stuff and needed that protection....
  Sorry Ode, but your take on human nature is a bit tainted.  I mean, where did 
you get the idea that we all need 'looking after'?  I can fend quite well for 
myself thank you very much and can well do without the Government or any other 
regulatory body telling me what is 'for my own good'.  How insulting.  I'm sure 
I'm not the only one who feels like this.  In fact, it is precisely the control 
freaks and manipulators that have brainwashed people into believing that they 
cannot make decisions for themselves.  Please don't buy into that pretence, or 
repeat the misinformation.  Thanks.


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