--- joe bloggs <whatserna...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Ode wrote:
> .....The FDA was formed to get a handle on Cocaine and Opium Patent Medicine 
> salesmen.  Their
> job was to ensure drug safety because the people were too dumb to not buy 
> into that stuff and
> needed that protection....
> ------
> Sorry Ode, but your take on human nature is a bit tainted.  I mean, where did 
> you get the idea
> that we all need 'looking after'?  I can fend quite well for myself thank you 
> very much and can
> well do without the Government or any other regulatory body telling me what 
> is 'for my own
> good'.  How insulting.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like this.  
> In fact, it is
> precisely the control freaks and manipulators that have brainwashed people 
> into believing that
> they cannot make decisions for themselves.  Please don't buy into that 
> pretence, or repeat the
> misinformation.  Thanks.
> Frankie 

Now, see, this response to Ode is a prime example of a knee-jerk reaction!  I 
think anybody on
this list who has paid any attention at all to Ode's writings must be chuckling 
at this!  Of all
the people I've known in my life, Ode would be in the TOP TEN of people who 
don't believe "we"
need "looking after"!!!!!

Frankie, spend a little more time and pay a little more attention to the 
context of Ode's
writings.  When he writes stuff like the piece you pulled out, he is 
figuratively speaking in the
voice of the elites and bureaucrats who actually DO believe we are too dumb to 
look after
ourselves, or to make our own decisions in most all aspects of life.  It is 
these elites who:

- Use the FDA to keep harmless products off the market - not because they can 
be dangerous in any
way, but because they will compete with the institutionalized drug pushers (big 

- Confiscate our money from us under the guise of caring for us through Social 
Security and
Medicare - not to help the poorest among us, but because "we" can't be trusted 
to save and provide
for ourselves.  They will resist mightily any option which gives any 

- Want a government-run health care system, because "we" can't possibly be 
expected to make wise
choices for our own health care.

- Resist any option which would allow parents to take their kids out of the 
failing public school
system - "they" know better than "we" do how our children should be educated.  
Of course,
meanwhile, "they" send their kids to St. Albans and other posh private schools. 
 Maybe that's the
reason they don't like school choice - you may choose to send your kid to 
school with theirs, and
they simply can't have their progeny mingling with the riff-raff!

- Confiscate our money to fund failing social welfare programs, the arts, the 
humanities.  "They"
know better who "needs" help - "we" can't be trusted to discern who needs help 
from lazy bums who
need a kick in the rear and a few hungry days to motivate them to get jobs.  
"They" are better
equipped to evaluate whether a guy putting a crucfix in a jar full of urine, or 
a woman who strips
naked on stage and covers herself in chocolate to simulate human feces, or an 
idiot putting the
American Flag on the floor to be trampled upon, is "art" worthy of funding.

Please, Frankie - read Ode's stuff more carefully!  You've got him all wrong!

I just noticed that this is on the CS list, not the OT list.  That could be 
part of the problem. 
I will now cease on this topic, and look to see if it pops up over on the OT 

The Truly Educated Never Graduate

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