You can bet that if they do Ode has a dozen of them.
Dave wrote:

They give degrees for BS?

Can have lots of fun with this...

I'm so sure there is reincarnation I'm going to be buried in a rented

On 2/13/2008 4:03:11 PM, Marshall Dudley (
Yep, Ode is sticking his head in the sand on this one.  I DO know about
clouds, water, weather, and combustion, and that I why I know that
chemtrails and contrails are different things.  Contrails form from the
engine exhaust, and sometimes at the ends of the wings due to the sudden
pressure drop. Chemtrails come out of spray nozzles mounted on different
places on the plane, but never at the wing tips nor near the engines on
the ones I have seen.  Also con trails cannot fall to the ground
producing ground fog at low humidities during summer days, which
chemtrails often do.  I know the physics, I have a BS degree, I am very
knowledgeable about it all.


joe bloggs wrote:
Ode Said:  scare the heck out of you with chemtrails so
you'll flock to their stores as you
refuse to learn anything about clouds, water, weather and combustion
It made me laugh to come across this just now.  It's
a youtube video of a German
TV news story about a military experiment and
they've actually come clean that they
are in fact releasing chemical trails (chemtrails).  So you see Ode, you can 
- until the truth c

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