Evening Rowena,

At 10:37 AM 5/7/2008, you wrote:
If what the cardiologist told you kept you away from ordinary table salt (I have heard it called Morton's by Americans; I don't live in the US) then that was likely a good thing, but you do need salt, i.e. whole salt, not heated.

   Great article and information about Salt.

Many doctors, if not most, simply say,  "Don't eat any salt".
Likely they do not know there are more than one kind. Of course they are brainwashed and fools as well. Not sure which they were first.

Now, the important stuff.............

While a bit too much salt may have some effect on some people,

The Effect of Not enough  Effects Everyone.

Without it, you will likely DIE, one way or the other. And in many cases it will lower blood pressure within minutes, maybe even seconds.

Consider this, ........

Wild Animals have been observed walking 100 miles to get salt.
I guess they did not read the false information or they have no foolish, idiot doctor.

Salt, like Cholesterol is not a big, bad evil.  Both are essential for life.

