Thanks for this Ode, I started it up again this morning and when I came back
from dog walking, it was done!  I'm so thrilled, I've just bottled my first
silver water!  It tastes stronger than the one I'm used to, but that maybe
because I started it up again I suppose.  Nevertheless, the colour is clear
and it is wonderful!  Thanks again.  Dee 

-------Original Message-------
From: Ode Coyote
Date: 06/06/08 10:06:30
Subject: Re: CS>First batch
   You can just leave it going and go to work , bed ..vacation even, or
But before you do, feel the transformers for excessive heat.  They
shouldn't get more than barely warm.
If anything is hot, there's some sort of incompatibility with the local
power grid.
It takes as long as it does.
Since water varies so widely, time cannot work.
  The Pup monitors conductivity like a PPM meter.
The spinner thing doesn't ever stop until you stop it BTW.