I too made CS using salt when I started out. The benefits are 
simplicity and speed. It produces more than enough concentration in 
just a few minutes without worrying about gunk building up on the 
electrodes, switching polarity, or anything else at all.

The downside was visible settling and shortened shelf life in the 
finished product. But used within a few days, it seemed to work.

The move towards pure water without additives was motivated by the
discovery that this created smaller particles that didn't settle out 
and extended shelf life. The downside, of course, was lengthy 
production time, more sensitivity to conditions, and dealing with 
the fluffy silver deposits on the negative electrode.

Edith wrote:
> I ... always wondered if I couldn't get distilled water, how I
> would make the stuff.???

Darned good question. However, making it coffee and orange juice 
suggests that, in a pinch, just about anything would do.

Karen wrote:
> In Africa, my friends don't have access to distilled water  or
> electricity (that's why I'm sending battery generators.)  So how
> would you purify regular water?  Has anyone actually had "bad"
> water tested after being treated with cs?

Try solar power, too, or at least solar chargers for lead-acid gel 
cells or nickel metal hydride rechargeables. Still, you'll get a lot 
of service from a single set of batteries, so I'm probably worrying 
too much.

Just getting enough silver into the water to sterilize it would 
probably take only a few minutes per gallon, would be my guess. Yes, 
you'd make all sorts of low concentration silver compounds, but if 
you didn't over do it they'd probably not be as harmful as, oh, say, 

Anybody have any experience in this?

Larry wrote:

>  Sometimes I wonder if we haven't made making cs overly complicated
>  in our attempt to improve on something that I don't think we really
>  know much about in the first place. 

At some level this is quite true. 

HVAC systems and LVDC units with some of the latest ideas on current
limiting and polarity switching both seem to be pushing the limits
of consistent, stable, long lived product with good effectiveness.
Yet, the product they produce is not that much better in actual use 
than that from the original, simplest setups.

I hope that the widespread development of processes and equipment
for making consistent CS can advance the organized study of how well
it works, and by what mechanisms, which is lagging hopelessly behind
the flood of anecdotal results.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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