You don't understand. They are building the case for food irradiation, pure and simple. ----- Original Message ----- From: "sol" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Understanding Food Irradiation... in light of consumer attack

I'm not sure what the total ended up being?
I'm old enough to remember when salmonella was pretty common. In my youth, "food poisoning" was not all that uncommon. My brother, sister-in-law, and myself all got what I suspect was salmonella from take out tacos. Gave us all a very bad 24-48 hrs, and we ran out of TP, everybody too sick to go get more. It was awful, I was the sickest, and can remember it clearly, but not one of the 3 of us considered suing the taco place, or trying to close them down. We sucked it up and went on, full of pepto-bismol. I guess we were basically healthy enough, nobody went to a doctor and we all recovered. That was a different time, seems like it was a different world, 45 years ago. 228 cases last I heard, out of a population of around 300 million. I'm astonished at the uproar, to tell the truth. Particularly in light of the statistics regarding food borne illnesses on this site:
In any case, I now have CS, and it has been stopping all consequences whenever I eat "something that has gone off" for the past 6 years or so. One of the many reasons I'm very grateful to have learned about CS, and to be able to make and take all I want whenever I need it.

Ode Coyote wrote:
10 people out of 100 million get Salmonella and whole industries grind to a halt

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