Oh dear, I thought Wayne said that Vit C *was* Vit C no matter what type it
was!  I get mine from Higher Nature which I thought was a good brand.  I
know that when my husband was having their True Food type, we didn't have
any problems, but as soon as I gave him the 1000mg one with lysine, he had a
bleed in the eye.  Back to the drawing board I suppose.  I have found a
bioflavonoid in the cupboard though, that I bought a while ago.  It is
grapeseed extract which is supposed to be good for this condition.  Any
views?  Dee 

-------Original Message-------
From: Rowena
Date: 06/24/08 12:25:51
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Blood vessel health - Vit C and corn
There is Vit C, and then there is rubbish.
Too much of the Rubbish is garbage, and bad for you garbage at that.
Daddybob can tell us about Rubbish marketed as Vit C.
He even found some with mold growing on it.  Also, a lot of it is made from
Willisprotocols group publilshed this website today: http://commongroundmag
the ubiquity of corn in the American diet
Even Xanthan gum in some coconut milk (corn).