That is what happens when you take Doxy and go in the sun. I had it a few
times, before I found out about CS.Marshalee

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 5:46 PM, <> wrote:

>  OK CS'ers -- here's a mystery.  Last week I finished up a two-week round
> of antibiotics (doxycycline hyclate) which I took as a prophylactic response
> to being bitten by a Lyme tick.  This week I am experiencing a rash of some
> type appearing on my upper fore-arms and the back of my hands.  The rash
> consists of small red bumps -- like tiny blisters -- and they are continuing
> to manifest.  They don't itch (well, maybe just a little bit, but
> negligible).  The skin around them appears to be dry and flaky regardless of
> application of moisturizer. New bumps appear every day, the older ones don't
> appear to be going away.  What the heck's going on with me????  Could this
> be a delayed reaction to the antibiotics?  Anyone have any ideas?  MA