Permethrin cream available by prescription, applied carefully from the head
to the soles of the feet.  Leave on 18 hours and reapply to hands when cream
is removed by washing.   All infected and exposed members of the family must
be treated, even those not yet symptomatic.  All clothing and bedding MUST
be washed in hot water or  dry cleaned.  Infected persons may need to
re-treat every five to seven days depending upon compliance with the
protocol by all involved persons.  In serious cases oral ivermectin
(prescription) can be used in addition.  Other prescriptions for topical
creams to reduce itching  or prednisone are also prescribed.

Ionic silver taken orally may help prevent infections from your scratching but
will not kill scabies.

Good luck.  You need a dermatologist.

Let us know your results.


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