This is just some of the same old rubbish that has been put out about CS
since the year dot.  All you can do is just explain the difference in the 
old' type of silver to the one we use now, and just hope that it is accepted
  If not, then they will just have to believe what they will.  I face this
all the time and I'm just fed up with it now.  My friend would rather choose
to be ill for four weeks on end on anti-biotics than take a proper amount of
CS to cure her ailments.  I have given up.  Dee 

-------Original Message-------
From: cyndiann9
Date: 14/07/2008 21:28:57
Subject: CS>How do I defend CS against this website?
I mentioned on a hep c group that I take CS and they posted this link:
I know most of it isn't true. How can I show them?