but how do you do that Steve? My normal batch takes about eight hours to make which is using a silverpuppy and a quart size container. My DW is really pure (000) on the TDS meter. The finished article measures either 7 or 8 on the TDS meter so I thought this was approximately 14 to 16ppm. I just thought to speed it up a bit - to move the electrodes slighter closer together would cut down the time a bit. I did this and it cut nearly two hours off the making time, but the TDS then measured 5. This I took to mean that the ppm was approximately 10ppm which would be ideal. It also didn't taste as strong either, which was also better. Do you think I am making a mistake by doing this? or should I just carry on with the long brewing time? I don't want to compromise the efficacy of the CS by messing with it, but it does seem an awful long time. dee PS sorry if I haven't understood your very detailed analysis, but I'm afraid I need a lay persons version - not being very up on the science of it all.

Norton, Steve wrote:

I tried to post this earlier with embedded figures but I guess that failed. Here it is without embedded figures.

Personally, I intentionally try to generate CS with a mix of both large and small particles with the bulk being as small as reasonably possible. Just my opinion.

 Steve N

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