Good Morning Dee,

At 03:56 AM 8/29/2008, you wrote:
dee PS sorry if I haven't understood your very detailed analysis, but I'm afraid I need a lay persons version - not being very up on the science of it all.

I read all the replies and statements relative to your questions and possible problems.

As right and correct as they all were,  ................

I did fear and think, exactly what you said in the statement above. ( using my crystal ball of course )

So, I guess I better tell you what I think, .......... before the Hurricane blows me away and maybe destroys all my computers.

I will tell you what I think the problem is, before I tell you a thing or two that might help.
You and others may not like or may not believe what I have to say.

The world and the automatic CS maker are trying to dictate how you make CS, and are leaving little thinking, reasoning, changes, methods, imagination, experimentation, UP TO YOU.

That is exactly why I do not have an automatic CS maker, never wanted one, even if they were free.

Anyone that thinks a few chips, transistors, regulators, and diodes, can out think my control systems, MY BRAIN and MY Hands, will have a hard time proving that. Yes, I might use an instrument or two.
A meter and a stop watch, and my highly trained, micro vision, my eyes.
Yes, the eye is the most powerful measuring tool in the world. Carl Zeiss proved that long ago. And I have measured things within 1 to 3 thousands with my eyes. ( that was a while back when I
could see better )  < grin >

And I do not have to hear that well to make CS. I have only made one yellow batch, and that was intentionally, yes, intentionally. Never made a black batch, virtually no settlement, ever.

AS far as I know, and as far as I can tell, ever batch I have ever made worked wonders, including the yellow batch.

Comparing all this with a stupid computer,........... if you cannot do a task with a yellow pad and a pencil, it is doubtful if you can do it very well with a computer.

Some people have tried to get me to do a custom program for them, I could tell right away they did not know and understand their application well enough to define it for me. Thus, ........ I had to tell a few little white lies and talk my way out of the job.

Sorry I got distracted and forgot the purpose of this message. I do that often.

Question 1.

Are you using any starter solution?

If I use one quart starter solution, ( a previous batch of CS ) and tell you I made a gallon, I am wrong.
I have only made 3 quarts.

Likewise, if you use 1/2 pint of starter solution, you quart batch becomes 3 each, ........ half pints.

Question / Statement 2.

Very likely, in my opinion, your constant current circuit and automatic cut off are controlling the time factor, dictating what happens, and there is little you or anyone can do to change that.

Possibility Number 1.

You could manually move the electrodes, if you had the right container and the right top for it. You would then trick the circuits into thinking something had happened, that had not.

Suggestion Number 1.

Get a large mouth container, make one, steal one, get it anywhere you can.
Contact a genius glass cutter if you have to do it, or build it. Me and others can tell you how.

Suggestion Number 2.

Build a custom top with holes or whatever to position your electrodes. You could change them a time of two, and likely speed up your process, ......... maybe not.

Sad Fact Number 1.

If you want to leave the automatic CS maker, go to the store, take a nap, run errands, or whatever, why worry about the time?

I watch my process, the whole smear sitting on the table, and do other things while watching it.

You cannot change this cruel world very much, no matter how you try.

You seem to want the best of one thing, and the best of another, .......... at the same time.

I doubt that this is possible.  As smart as I am, I cannot do it.

Final Summary

Learn to live with the process, learn to live with the dictator you have purchased, or............. Become a Terrorist, like I have, to the CS making process. You cannot be both at the same time.

What would I do ?

If by some chance, I found and automatic CS maker laying in the street, ........... I would butcher it if I could. I would add a few switches, a few potentiometers, and go from there.

I would have a  "Semi Automatic" CS maker, I suppose.

The whole world of CS making is a dilemma, with many different methods and solutions. You pick and choose, Be a dictator or a terrorist, but no matter, you must rationalize all phases to your mental condition, and accept the decision you make.

Meantime, back in the jungle, I am happy with my two bit, near nothing CS maker. It uses no battery, no transformer ( some call them a Wall Wart, I cannot stand that term, and I have used 10,000 of the critters ) It uses telephone line power, but could work on batteries, if the phone line disappears. ( 52 VDC in most cases , but that amount is not on the electrodes )

Cost about 5 to 6 dollars to build.

Finally, ......... do not worry yourself sick, trying to change something you cannot change.

Anyone that thinks there is one way or a best way to make CS, ............

I fear they are using "Fuzzy Logic" which most know little about.

If you have simple questions, ask them.

But you cannot ask complex questions, and expect a simple answer.

And.......... if you do not understand the question, you will not understand the answer.

Of course I realize, I answered nothing. but maybe a few facts mixed with a few theories, and my
crazy ideas.

Wayne    ( Rule of Thumb ? ..... there are no Rules in my thumbs )


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