Wayne Fugitt wrote:
I read your long message,  Very Interesting indeed.

At 06:40 PM 9/4/2008, you wrote:
Fish and kelp fertilizers are increasingly used by home gardeners also. Iodine I am extremely allergic/senstive to,

 Glad you used the word,  sensitive.

One of my daughters appears to be allergic to iodine, she thinks she is, and has had reactions, will not eat shrimp, and anything that contains very much iodine.

While I am not disagreeing with you, my daughter, and many others, it is very hard for me not to do it.

It is beyond my belief and all my years of study, to believe anyone can be allergic to a proven,
known, necessary nutrient.
It does happen. I have mostly stopped using the word "allergic" because it produces such a knee-jerk "but you can't be allergic to a necessary nutrient" reaction. Even doctors who should know better react that way. However, let me say for the record what I have is a true IgE mediated allergic histamine reaction to iodine, and sufficient antihistamines control it. People have DIED of anaphylactic reactions to iodine, and from my personal experience I don't believe those reactions have been solely due to "other components" of iodine compounds.

It is almost like someone saying,

I am allergic to protein
I am allergic to fat
I am allergic to carbohydrate !
I am allergic to a couple of things commonly found in all of those except possibly pure fat. So far as I can find in years of researching iodine in foods, the lowest iodine content "food" is white sugar, oh, and also either pepsi cola or coca cola (original). Iodine is totally impossible to avoid (well unless I confine myself to eating white sugar with a spoon) but there is a level that is so low it doesn't cause a reaction, or at least a troublesome reaction. The problem is since iodine is ubiquitous and mostly hidden once one stops eating anything from the ocean, I have no way to determine what my highest safe level of intake is. And everyday some new food I could eat yesterday now has an iodine containing ingredient added. The canned chicken that was a staple of my diet when I couldn't find natural raw chicken now has sea salt, where formerly it had non-iodized plain salt.

What if someone said,    " I am allergic to Water"  ?
Given the toxins common to tap water all over the U.S. these days, such a statement would not surprise me. As in *I* would not be allergic to anything but ocean products, if iodine and iodine containing ingredients were not commonly added to foods. Nearly 25 years ago when this allergy popped up almost literally overnight, that is all I had to do, once it was determined the cause was iodine, I just stopped eating ocean fish, and seafood and seaweeds. That was it. I could still use iodized salt too. And I could actually eat fish about once a month if the serving was small. 25 years later, I haven't used iodized salt in at least 15 years, have to strictly limit eggs, broccoli, asparagus, many nuts and seeds, and so on. Every time I get "iodined" and have a reaction I become more sensitive to it. And it gets easier and easier to get too much. And even th ough I avoid it so assiduously, I have not developed a goiter in all that decade and a half. Which I've been told means I am NOT succcessfully eliminating it. Probably a good thing, but I wish I knew what my reaction limit is and how many mcg of iodine in what foods. Except for salt this factoid is amazingly difficult to find out. Instead iodine is listed in ppm in some foods at some sites, and other foods are simply listed as low or high in iodine content.
Now,.......... my two bit opinion
I firmly believe that there is a problem with

Body Chemistry
Intercellular Communications,        ( or all three )
I have no problem agreeing with that. SOMETHING went awry in my body for me to be allergic to iodine, and for the allergy to happen so suddenly. Unfortunately, so far, I have not found a way to fix it, whatever it is. Many of my attempts to get healthier have made me worse in fact. I can deal with most of it one way or the other, but it is hard to eliminate the root cause when there is no way to know what it is.
ality, ever.

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