Hi Sol

I have a longish file on bromine, but I'll just put a couple of excerpts here:

Bromide is an insidious, additive used in many common products, and as a 
pesticide.  Because of the sheer amount of bromide-supplemented products, 
exposure to this man-made additive has caused a depletion of iodine in human 
populations.  Studies in lab animals provide alarming evidence that even small 
amounts of bromide exposure can be toxic. (1)

What products contain bromide?

Currently, bromide is found in pesticides (methyl bromide),  some bread 
products (potassium bromate), brominated vegetable oil that may be added to 
citrus-flavored drinks, hot tub cleansers, certain asthma inhalers and 
prescription drugs, plastic products, some personal care products, some fabric 
dyes, and as a fire retardant in mattresses, carpeting, etc.  (See expanded 
Products' Discussion Below.)

Back in 1999, the Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the FDA 
to prohibit the use of potassium bromate, charging that the FDA has known for 
years that bromate causes cancer in lab animals, but has failed to ban it. (24) 
 As of September 2007, the US FDA responded to Breast Cancer Choices inquir 
with the statement, " Potassium Bromate is still listed as a safe additive."

WATER When drinking water containing bromide is exposed to ozone, bromate ion, 
a powerful oxidizing agent, is formed.  Two significant recalls of drinking 
water involving bromate have occurred:  Wegmann's Food You Feel Good About 
Spring Water Recall in 2006, and Coca-Cola's Dasani in 2004. (25)

TOOTHPASTE, MOUTHWASH AND GARGLES Potassium bromate is an antiseptic and 
astringent in toothpaste, mouth and gargles.  Very toxic if taken internally.  
May cause bleeding and inflammation of gums in toothpaste.  (26)

BROMIDE IN FLAME RETARDANTS Flame retardants reduce the flammability of a wide 
variety of commercial and household products.  Some brominated home retardants 
migrate from the products in which they are used and are entering the 
environment and people.  (27)

PERSONAL PRODUCTS AND SOME COSMETICS Sodium bromate in Products: Permanent 
Waves, Hair Dyes, Textile Dyes Sodium bromate is in permanent wave 
neutralizers, hair dye material, and the textile dyeing process. (28) 
Benzalkonium is used as a preservative in some cosmetics. (29)

Chloride should not be a problem, but chlorine sure is.

The website:  www.breastcancerchoices.org

is loaded with info on all the halogens that displace iodine, and why this is a 
problem (obviously no help to those with an iodine allergy, though)

Sharon M

> I have been unable to find any serious studies proving the bromine 
> idea.  Plus for me personally, I don't use very much processed food, at 
> least ones that contain bromine. Of course, it could be hidden, as is 
> iodine. Maybe chloride is also a problem?
> sol

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