G Murray wrote:

I am thinking they are they fairy rings with toadstools that grow in lawns, am I wrong? I am wondering about the Revive Soil Treatment. Would that not be a fertilizer and help them grow? But mushrooms do grow overnight.
Actually the mushroom fungus grows all year underground, but when the conditions are right, they produce the above ground fruiting body in a matter of hours or within a day. Organic fertilizer would help them grow, they usually love manure, but inorganic fertilizer I don't think would would make any difference.



craehow...@juno.com wrote:

Two days ago I sprayed my friends small section of lawn that was filled with dozens of mushrooms.. they have tried everything to eliminate this problem. I used my sprayer which had a small amount of Revive Soil Treatment (less half gallon) and I added more then a half gallon of Collodial Silver. The area was no more then a 4" X 4" area. The mushrooms were just beginning to pop up... I soaked them.

The next day I walked by and they were 5 times the size...  overnight!.

Was I incorrect thinking that the silver would kill them? Did I do it wrong? Anyone have any suggestions?



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