Check out the History channel, Modern Marvels: fungus. I watched it a day or two ago, not sure if it will be running again. They have a pretty good segment on mushrooms on that. Interestingly if you eat a poisonous mushroom, and get sick a few hours later you will probably be ok. If you get sick 1 to 2 weeks later, you will most likely die.


Smitty wrote:
I get very few but beautiful looking mushrooms growing
in our backyard. I do love raw, sliced mushroom on a salad
that I buy fresh from a supermarket.
So I ask.....the mushrooms that grown in our backyard .....
are they safe to eat..?
I remember many years ago reading a very sad story
whereas almost an entire Asian-American family out in
California died from eating mushrooms picked fresh from their backyard.
Check mushroom pictures on Google and try and compare.
But people can and do get SICK from eating those "yard mushrooms".
Eating mushrooms that have been collected outdoors
can be a risky proposition.  Many poisonous mushrooms look
and taste like ones that are safe to eat, and there is no
simple way to differentiate between the two.
Heating or cooking does not necessarily destroy the toxic
parts of the mushroom.


Hey G!   Your're right.  Thanks, I now have a name for them.  They are
Ugly Ugly.  The neighbor had been trying to eliminate them for more  then
year...  nothing worked!  Then I had the solution; Colodial Silver.  But
did not work.  Not sure if I should have just poured it on them instead of
adding to the Revive.  Hope someone on here has an answer.

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