Is the turmeric the same stuff you can buy in the spices at the grocery store? I think I have that here. maybe even castor oil. Will try this too.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Nave" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 2:29 PM
Subject: CS>Boils and Acne

Also found this, about using turmeric for boils and acne.

People are taking a teaspoon of turmeric in water, or better yet for
taste, a few capsules with water, several times a day.  Some appear to
have had good results by also mixing some turmeric with emu oil and
applying topically, or possibly castor oil mixed withy turmeric should
work too.

I'd still use the CS internally and on the sports equipment.


[YEA]  08/06/2008: Havilah from Auburn, CA writes: "I have had boils and
severe acne since I was ten years old. I'm twenty five now. The boils
spread from my face to my back and arms, and then to my thighs and other
areas in that region. I was unable to find a remedy. It was very
frustrating and painful. I discovered this website last year and have
used several remedies successfully for other issues. One day I
discovered the section on boils and saw that many people recomended
turmeric. I started taking app. 7 capsules of turmeric every day. I
purchased the capsules from Wal-Mart. They are very inexpensive. Within
two weeks my face cleared up. It's been four weeks now and no new boils
have appeared at any place on my body. I get compliments from friends
and family asking what I did to clear my face up. The turmeric not only
cleared up the boils but the acne as well."

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