Hi Indi,
I think we're pretty much on the same page; I'd argue that "we" are
indeed conducting that retrospective study, problem is some of us get a
bit single-blind in the process.  Preaching to the choir. . . . .??

Further, "Power corrupts.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely." There
b'God is an axiom that's stood the test of time.  However that is not
the same as claiming that every person - or even most within the FDA, or
FTC, or other feckless federal alphabetical monster - is corrupt.

Hardly moot; ever heard of the "Codex Alimentarius"??  It's probably
easier to declare silver a strategic material than a rose hip or orange
juice <g>  Also the case is both corruption AND ignorance;  I think
someone on this list once posted this quote from a scientific

"First they ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they attack you.
Then they say they already knew it all along." 

"... raid our homes ...?"???  Wouldn't be the first time.

Take care, Malcolm

On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 10:28 -0400, indi wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Oct 2008 21:49:17 -0700
> Malcolm <s...@asis.com> wrote:
> > Well and good!  
> >  We
> > don't have the deus ex authoritas of political or scientific
> > regulation stifling our chance to find out for ourselves what works
> > and how it best works for us. Each. 


> Oh, there's plenty wrong with the FDA's requirements, no
> doubt about it. But the cause is corruption, not ignorance. The 
> double blind cross-controlled study method is definitely a very good way
> to acquire data, if it is done honestly and without employing
> ridiculous loopholes (as you pointed out, 100 people x 10 years does
> not equal 1000 people x 1 year).
> At this point, it would be great if there were a study following users
> of CS, since there are so many of us. It wouldn't be terribly hard to
> do, just define some basic control parameters, find appropriate
> subjects and medically monitor them. But I suppose Big Pharma is afraid
> of those results. :) 
> As for fear of regulation, that is really a moot point. What are "they"
> going to do, raid our homes and confiscate our generators? Make silver
> a "controlled substance"? That'd be awfully hard to do...
> indi
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