Not to be a cynic, but I see the date on that is March 2007.
You know, the energy tech field sees a lot of false starts and even
scams... Also, reading through it, it seemed likely that they would be
consuming a lot more energy than they could produce with their method
(if it worked), so I thought the claims of "nuclear waste into clean
energy" might be at the very least rather optimistic.
From the article:
"We are not burning. This is the key word," Shrem said. "When you burn you
produce dioxin. Instead, we vacuum out the oxygen to prevent combustion."
EER then purifies the gas and with it operates turbines to generate
electricity. EER produces energy - 70% of which goes back to power the
reactor with a 30% excess which can be sold.
"In effect, we are combining two of the most exciting markets in the US -
the environment and clean energy," says Stern, "We also reduce the carbon
I did not notice the date which is over a year ago. I wonder whatever
happened to the program. Faith G.
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