The concern and even fear comes from food products from china which have been tainted with it. Melamine may be fine as dishes, etc and other plastic goods, but it killed thousands of dogs and cats when added to gluten as a cheap filler, which gluten then ended up in animal foods.
Eating off melamine is very different from eating melamine.
Thanks for the explanation, very enlightening.

Marshall Dudley wrote:
Melamine plastic is no different than any other plastic. They are almost all formed from toxic monomers, catalysts, or give off toxic compounds when curing. PVC is made from very toxic vinyl chloride, acrylic from toxic methyl methacrylate, polyethylene from highly poisonous ethylene, polystyrene from highly toxic styrene, polyester from polyester resin, toxic styrene and methyl ethyl keytone peroxide which is especially nasty. Then you have things like polyurethane which is basically made from urine, but forms formaldehyde when it cures and outgasses heavily. In addition many plastics, such as PVC (but not melamine) have plasticizers in them that diffuse out and are mimics of estrogen. Melamine and polyethylene are probably the least problematical of these as far as having anything left over which might diffuse out later, and Melamine probably has the least toxic monomer of any of them. So I don't understand the criticism of melamine when most of the other plastics are really much worse.

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