sol wrote:
Marshall Dudley wrote:
NO! You are talking about two different things that are being called the same name. Melamine polymer is totally non toxic, inert, safe, and has never killed anyone except by maybe a stack of dishes falling on them. What killed the animals and babies was NOT melamine polymer, but 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine which unfortunately is also called melamine by people who can't pronounce the actual chemical name.
AHA! Thanks!
You can grind up melamine plates, and eat them. Other than possible constipation there would be no problems. A small amount of 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine though could be deadly, they are NOT the same thing.
So, what about the melamine scrub pad thingees, which one are they? This plastic name confusion is as bad as plants.
thanks more,
They would be the melamine polymer, which is inert and harmless.


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