Beta glucan is also reported to be a very broad-spectrum treatment for biological warfare agents as well as radiation weapons. There is published, peer-reviewed double-blind data on this. The substance as powder is now available at very modest cost.

It would be good to know if there is any source of some kind of super-concentrated vitamin C, formulated for emergency preparedness. There are so many kinds of C that it's hard to know which is best (ascorbyl palmitate comes to mind as one I've heard recommended), but I've never come across any "super C" from any vendor. Vitamin D can reportedly be injected in very large does, something I heard about only days ago. Could there be any kind of injectable C on offer, perhaps as an atropine-type injector?

On Thursday, Nov 6, 2008, at 10:16 Asia/Tokyo, Pat wrote:

I use this forum to encourage the list members to SERIOUSLY consider the employment of

sufficient quantities of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) on a daily basis (5000 mg to 10,000 mg) up to "bowel tolerance" insurance against a majority of opportunistic pathogens, presently existent in our environment. This recommendation is one of good diet...and in no way whould be regarded as medical advice----IN ANY FORM.

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