I received your post Brooks, with thanks.

Ross Craig
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: brooks76009 
  To: Silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 6:58 PM
  Subject: CS>[FW]Recent Research on Weaponized Biologicals

  This is a re-post, would someone let me know if my original post of this 
morning was ever 
  received on-list. I have no evidence that it went through. I seldom post, 
these days, and when I do I believe it to be of some substance. Since my 
available time for such is quite limited, it is somewhat discouraging.....if, 
indeed, this post did not come through. 
  Sincerely, Brooks Bradley 

    ---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

    Subject : Recent Research on Weaponized Biologicals

    Date : Wed, 05 Nov 2008 12:53:12 -0500 (EST)

    From : "brooks76009" <brooks76...@lycos.com>

    To : <Silver-list@eskimo.com>

    Based upon evidence exhibited by most of the "most likely" participants to 
be involved in any "large scale", organized military or terrorist-induced 
conflict.....I offer the following information----which may be of 
value/interest to the general list membership. 

    Dr. Thomas E. Levy, and associates, have conducted and released some rather 
compelling data relative to the possible effects of several (of the most 
likely) biological agents 

    to be the source of future Bioterrorism incidents. To wit: The most likely 
candidates.....beyond Anthrax and Smallpox, seem to be Plague 
(pneumonic/bubonic plague), Tularemia (especially Francisella tularensis) and 
Botulinum Toxin (as produced by Clostridium botulinum). A majority of cases of 
plague can be, logically, assumed to occur--naturally---as 
bubonic----weaponized forms of septicemic and/or pneumonic strains can be 
anticipated among potential military insults. 

    Bubonic Plague insults (in general) do respond to rapid, intensive, 
treatment protocols.....especially if addressed within the first 2 to 6 days. 
Colloidal Silver HAS EFFECTED quite powerful, suppressive/corrective effects 
(in in vitro) on this form. If left untreated, the death rate usually exceeds 
50%. "However, Septicemic plague is almost uniformly fatal when left 
untreated". * Pneumonic plague...similar to anthrax, requires aggressive 

    to avoid fatality. Although Broad-spectrum antibiotics (e.g. Streptomycin, 
gentamicin, doxycycline, tetracycline, and chloramphenicol....do exhibit useful 
effects-----if introduced EARLY IN THE INFECTIOUS STAGES. Vaccine is no longer 
available for the plague. 

    Tularemia is a disease caused by the Fancisella Tularensis bacteria. Though 
not a potential bioweapon familiar to most people----the extreme 
contagiousness, especially from the inhalation form---makes it a very enticing 
candidate for bioterrorism. Usually not considered a major fatality 
threat....if left untreated, pneumonic tularemia can be expected to inflict 33% 
mortality. Early, proper treatment should keep the mortality to 2% of patients. 

    data seems to indicate that WEAPONIZED strains may prove to be much less 
responsive to antibiotic address. 

    Botulinum represents a more consequential threat, especially because of the 
power ans speed of its effects. Botulinum-generated toxin is extremely powerful 
(considered by some to be the MOST powerful, single, toxic agent on the 
planet), e.g. one gram---properly distributed, could kill one million people. 
If inhaled, a dose 1/100 of the swallowed dosage would be sufficient to cause 
death. The frightening prospect for Botulinum is that it is the TOXIN 
derivative....not the bacteria itself.....which is the killing agent. As there 
is no biogical component in the toxin fraction----colloidal silver is of 
INCONSEQUENTIAL EFFECT as a protocol modality against it. However, there is 
GOOD NEWS for those seeking a helpful response to ALL THREE of these biological 
weapons. Dr. Levy and associates have utilized protocols first developed by 
individuals like, Klenner (1957), Calarese (1985), Jahan (1984, and Dey 
(1966).....to confirm a VERY POWERFUL ADDRESS in aid! ing an effective response 
to all three of these insults. The protocols are based, primarily, upon the 
implementation of Vitamin C, intravenously in the acutely poisoned. As a 
prophylactic, daily dosages of 5000 to 6000 mg of 

    any form of ascorbic acid have demonstraed to be UNUSALLY effective in 
aiding the body to avoid the "scurvy-like" condition which enables a large 
panoply of bacterial insults to proliferate... 

    and to rapidly metabolize the increased vitamin C...which has become 

    It is of special note to realize that the vitamin C exhibits a VERY 
beneficial effect in 

    cancelling the effects of the Botulinum toxin....along with potential 
compromises usually inflicted by NEARLY ALL toxin related insults. Vitamin C 
therapy demonstrated VERY POWERFUL 

    efffects on a "group of 24 pesticides, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, and 
gaseous pollutants". 

    Additionally, "patients who were clinically ill from the effects of this 
group of toxins invariably showed dramatic improvement from the infusion of 
enough vitamin C." It should be noted that these (infectious agents/toxins) 
were predominately diverse, rather than similar 

    in nature. 

    I use this forum to encourage the list members to SERIOUSLY consider the 
employment of 

    sufficient quantities of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) on a daily basis (5000 
mg to 10,000 mg) up to "bowel tolerance".....as insurance against a majority of 
opportunistic pathogens, presently existent in our environment. This 
recommendation is one of good diet...and in no way whould be regarded as 
medical advice----IN ANY FORM. 

    Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 

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