No, I'm only seeking clarification regarding 'form' Wayne.

Literature I've read states ions pass through the system very quickly, as in hours, (and I believe that due to the frequency of my waist water visits), which is why it's preferable to take quantities regularly for any medicinal purpose, as one would with prescription medication ie; every 2 or 4 hours or whatever as an example, to maintain a 'constant' within the system. I'm only talking 'form' here, not colour yet, the colour is clear in this instance lets say, which means a predominance of ions, there are still particles present obviously but ions predominate. I could drink gallons of CS a day, providing it was clear of course, and would not have any issues, (retention), because it is mostly ions [my opinion], it's only when particles are present that potential for issues are created, and this would be in the form of 'coloured' CS, the quantity consumed, and the time period of regular consumption.

Now, if the CS is coloured then there are two possibilities, (a) there is a higher percentage of particles or (b) the particles are of a larger size, however a third possibility would be more accurate (c) both. In my mind it would be the predominance of the particles which would be questionable regarding any issue, but the ions would obviously be the catalyst for the occurance of larger particles as positive and negative attract. I need to read a little more but I would guess that there could only be one size of particle basically as when positive-negative get together the charge would then be neutralised and the particle could not get any larger as there is no further attraction.

Setting ions aside for the moment, the particles in the nest mouthful could further agglomerate with the residual ions still within the system, to create even more particles, existing particles would not get any larger for the reason I suggested before, so I am 'proposing' that it's the silver in 'particulate form' which gives rise to any colouration and has nothing to do with the ions, other than ions acting as a catalyst for the formation of more particles of course.

This is the theory I would be more inclined to accept...Particles and ions, are in the system after the first ingestion but a percentage of ions would have already passed through the system leaving a residual of ions to begin to promote agglomeration before the next intake of CS, (assuming my literature is accurate regarding the speed at which ions pass through the system), but a *large quantity* intake of coloured CS, consumed regularly and consistantly over a given time frame, would likely give rise to 'retention' within the system as the system is unable to pass enough ions before getting flooded with more ions and particles in the next ingestion and the positive-negative attraction cycle starts again hence a particle build up or back up.

I just wanted clarification regarding the 'form' which gives rise to any potential issue that's all.

Ions are my friends, I don't want to get too friendly with particles, I'll only accept them as acquaintances [my opinion].

I'm not sure I've explained it adequately again, I know what's in my mind but don't know if I'm getting it in print, or perhaps I'm just stating the obvious, maybe mindless even, nevermind it doesn't matter.

Quote: [Eliminating metals might be more important that Color.] -This to me is putting the cart before the horse, I'm trying to avoid that by a more thourough understanding of CS. That's 'treatment', I'm trying to ensure a 'cure' for myself so there won't be a need for 'treatment', I can get plenty of that in mainstream.<g> I would hope I have learned something from those who have gone before me over the many years of peoples' involvment with CS but as there are a few gaps I have to give due consideration and then make some determinations of my own. Why else do you think some may be dry-reaching with all my waffle? Learning all the time! Often it's the stupid questions or statements that get the better answers or responses from ones' peers <g>.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Wayne Fugitt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2008 3:44 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Searching for color.

At 04:35 PM 12/2/2008, you wrote:
-Ignoring for the moment a particular individuals ability/inability to eliminate metals, perhaps you could elaborate a little more regarding the *form* of silver.

  It might be time to study  Chelation !

  Eliminating metals might be more important that Color.



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