Thanks for the info - the only honey we used is raw  - right from the hive and 
it is certainly delicious.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Nenah Sylver 
  Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 12:53 PM
  Subject: RE: CS>4 year old with mononucleosis

  I can't see why the boy's parents would object to coconut oil!


  The website of the Weston A. Price Foundation has lots of great info on 
coconut oil.


  Also.if you're using honey, Manuka honey is famous for knocking out 





  From: Bernadette [] 
  Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 10:04 AM
  Subject: CS>4 year old with mononucleosis


  What a turn around for my grandson. Diagnosed with mono on Wednesday of last 
week (and now not so sure). From a throat that was as red as Santa's coat with 
lots of white pustueles - to a very normal looking throat with just a few spots 
left over.  Still has a slight nasal twang with a cough every once in awhile.  


  Had him on 2 tablespoons of CS about 6 times a day in the early onset and now 
down to 2 tablespoons about 3 times a day.  He is also taking the raw Coconut 
oil, with honey on top which he really does enjoy. 


  At bedtime I make a steam sauna in our bathroom and he sits in there with me 
for about 15 minutes and then right into bed for the night.  It is good his mom 
and dad are away since Thursday and returning tonight.  I have been able to 
keep us the regimine with no interference (but with his mom's approval).


  I believe everything working together really did the trick to keep Sammy from 
getting much worse.


  I want to thank everyone for their help and imput.  I hope his parents 
continue to use the CS (which they use so don't see a problem with that), 
however, when they see I have been feeding him the Solid Coconut Oil (even 
though he enjoys it) not so sure she will go along with it.  I can only hope.


  Thank you and I hope everyone of you has a wonderful Holiday and a very Merry 

