Neville, I first learned of CS in 2001 when I had pneumonia and was ready to be hospitalized after my third course of antibiotics wasn't working. I started taking the CS then and began improving with days and was well and back at work within the week. That made me a true believer! Since then I have taken 1-2 oz, twice a day when I feel like I am catching cold or something, but not usually daily. I work in a small office with people with school age kids who catch everything, so when school starts in the fall I usually take a couple of ounces 2-3 times a day. And when they all start bringing in the cold and flu, then I do a couple of ounces 4 times a day. If I get really run down and feel like I'm starting to catch it, I up that to about 16-20 ounces a day with my trusty water bottle full.
In October 2006 I got reinfected with Lyme disease and didn't realize it for a few weeks. I just felt like I had terrible flu and was not getting better. I immediately started taking the swallow every half hour regimen and still didn't improve. I went to doctor and got 3 weeks of doxycycline which helped some, but still took CS all the time. When the doxycycline ended, I upped my CS to a quart a day - taking some every half hour pretty much around the clock, and did that for about 4 months, then cut back to about 20 oz a day for another 3 months. Since then I'm pretty much back on the preventive protocol outlined above. (And I'm not blue yet - though my hair is gray) Hope that helps, Carol ________________________________ From: Neville <> To: Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 4:13:07 PM Subject: Re: CS>Searching for color. Jim M. Morning Carol, Thank You for that, no that's fine, that's 'scientific' enough for me. Just a final question if you don't mind, as you mentioned you've been making it for 'several years', have you been ingesting CS every day for those several years? If so, how much do you reckon you take, or took, each day prior to the 32 ounce intake? I take a quantity each morning and have done so for over 3 years, 2-3 years on and off prior to this of other CS concoctions before learning more about it. Thanks again...Neville. ----- Original Message ----- From: Carol Monroe To: Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 6:43 AM Subject: Re: CS>Searching for color. Jim M. Neville, I made the silver at home using the CS generator that Meissner Industries sells. I used steam distilled water, the CS was clear, and the ppm on ingestion was about 15. I don't measure the ppm each time since I've been making it the same way with the same water for several years. I filled a water bottle with CS and keep it by me all the time and take a couple of swallows every half hour or so. I'm afraid that is not very scientific - but it was manageable for me. Hope that answers your questions. If not, please ask again. Carol ________________________________ From: Neville <> To: Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 4:00:02 AM Subject: Re: CS>Searching for color. Jim M. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Meissner yahoo" <> To: <> Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 2:00 PM Subject: RE: CS>Searching for color. Jims edited quote: [My friend Carol consumed 32 oz of > colloidal silver every day for many months and does not look grey or blue. Jim Meissner] -I'm sorry Jim, I got sidetracked. If it was produced in the home using the LVDC method is it possible you could let me know (a) what water was used, (b) what colour the CS was, (c) what the final ppm was on ingestion and (d) what dosage rate and intervals was it ingested during the day? If the CS was purchased then ignore the above questions obviously as I have no interest in the purchased product. Thanks...Neville. -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour <>