Yes and despite what Wayne says, there are definitely a lot of supplements
on the market which you might just as well throw straight down the toilet,
without using 'the middle man' at all!  Dr Wallach said this once and I know
that his mineral products are also, in some people's opinion; suspect too.
As far as bio-availability is concerned that is.  You have to research and
research into the best form to take, and even then can be wrong as I have
just found out.  Then as I said, there is the matter of unbalancing things
which is a whole new can of worms.  I think the best thing to do (and this
is only my own opinion) is to juice some fruits and veggies at home (again,
in moderation) and hope for the best.  At least, this is what I aim to do. 
-------Original Message-------
From: Neville
Date: 30/12/2008 22:00:57
Subject: Re: CS>Selenium
Morning Dee,
Yep, understood.  I can't say too much about supplements but many years ago
when I was a young punk I went back home for a visit and noticed the fridge
contained a number of bottles of various supplements and when I asked my
mother how come the sudden influx of supplements in the house she explained
that as she was getting older she thought she may need to supplement some
things, 'just in case'........she died at 59 with a heart attack.
I'm not blaming the supplements by the way as I couldn't possibly know, but
I picked one and did some asking about it and learned that the particular
one I picked contained several ingredients which all did basically the same
thing in their own individual way, I could not help but be drawn to the
thought that as she was getting this particular ingredient in her normal
diet as it was, she may actually have been getting too much of that
particular supplement.  I had to ask myself if this was a wise thing for her
to have done?  The human body has some amazing mechanisms if not tampered
with too much.  I have nothing to support the view that they may have
inadvertantly shortened her life, and I've nothing against supplements
either, but I must admit it did make me think about it a bit back then, and
I still do.
 It just gave me some food for thought.