"help clear microbes, spirochetes, cyst form, L-form,
and all others, including bacteria, virus, fungus, and parasites"...is what Hulda Clark sez about blood electrification and she might be right, but for the wrong reasons.

ie: It might be that it's not the "electricity" that does anything [like electrocuting something ], but the electro-chemical byproducts that are produced in the PROCESS by which electricity is conducted though a salt containing liquid as unstable dissociated ionic solutions of metallic salts...acidifying and alkalizing different areas and thereby making the environment these baddies are living in, temporarily unlivable.

One of those byproducts, being Hypochlorous Acid is similar to the way that MMS functions. But MMS depends on *absorbing* a Chlorine byproduct of exposing Sodium Chlorite to a weak acid as an *after effect* of dosing where a delay is involved and unwanted over dose after effects dealt with, with another delay.

....while actually making the product IN the blood stream in "real time" along WITH it's "antidote", gives you real time immediate control over both the creation and destruction [neutralization] of all of the products.

Like...feel a little sick? Turn off the power..the acids and bases are perfectly balanced, but on opposite sides of the body and go away almost immediately as soon as *this* side blood mixes with *that* side blood.
Or turn the power down to adjust the Acid/ Base.. creation/ destruction ..rate.

And alternating the polarity sends Acid, then Base, then Acid pulses through the blood stream, also reducing the build up of either in tissues where blood moves slower than byproduct compounds build up , reducing "chemical burn"..the "creeping red itchies" ....formerly MISTAKEN as being ELECTRICAL burn at the electrode sites.

It is said that Cancer cannot survive in an Alkaline environment. [ IF, that is true...] How better to create and "locate" and maintain an Alkaline 'ZONE' than to actually PRODUCE Sodium Hydroxide where you want it to be? And at a real time controllable rate that may be toxic to the Cancer cells, but not to you, because soon after being washed out of that zone, it is neutralized by the opposing counterpart also made, somewhere else...in perfect over all balance at all times...all controlled by electrode location... with dissimilar electrode areas to concentrate "this" and spread/dilute "that" out....with product *selection* made with polarity choice.

In effect, a small electrode at a tumor site Alkalizes that zone, while an large area electrode on the opposite side of the body makes "antidote" every where BUT that zone..and...directs penetration from one pole to the other.

It would be like taking a tumor to the car wash...you holding the wand... and the drain getting rid of the over flow. [If, the original statement is actually true ] Like putting a leash on Godzilla and directing that big ole lizard to tear down only the abandoned SLUMS in Tokyo.


At 05:15 AM 4/2/2009 -0800, you wrote:
No kidding! Same here! This sounds like, (if I could understand what Ode is
saying) that it might help clear microbes, spirochetes, cyst form, L-form,
and all others, including bacteria, virus, fungus, and parasites? Might this
be what you are saying Ode?

From: Del
Date: 04/02/09 04:05:14
I wish I knew what you were talking about, because it sure sounds

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ode Coyote" <odecoy...@windstream.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 5:09 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Sorta Like like godzilla?

Have you heard of "magic water" ???

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