At 11:30 AM 4/4/2009 -0500, you wrote:
So Ode, I'm still not understanding the difference between the miracle water and ionized (acid/alkaline) water. Both seem to be made by a single device with 2 electrodes, each going into a separate container, with some sort of "gateway" between them.

## The process is the same, the substance the process is used on is way different.

"Water" dissociates into H3O [acid] and OH [base..the Ion in Ionized water]
"Salt" dissociates into HClO [ Hypochlorous acid..sorta like Swimming Pool Chlorine ] and NaOH [Lye..a dandy degreaser and sometimes paint stripper if the absence of paint on my range hood is any indication] be watching concentrations very close like.


About the only difference I see is that the miracle water uses salt whereas the ionized water (Kangen type) uses some calcium minerals.

Both running off electricity.  Is it a difference in voltage?

 ## Nope

One thought was that stainless steel electrodes were used--you thought with the miracle water.

The Kangen type uses titanium.

## Both electrode types do the same thing, Titanium might last longer or might be a marketing gimmick to validate the high price of a very simple machine.
Ideally, Platinum would be used.

Can you explain the difference between what makes miracle water and what makes acid & alkaline water? I guess I'm just being dense, but I don't understand by what has been explained already. Is it just because the miracle water uses salt? Is the salt in both water containers?

## If you want the dissociated products to not neutralize each other very soon after removing the power source, then different containers would be the thing to do in both cases. It's the same "water" in both containers...different polarity of electrical current. If you use one container, each electrode produces different things which will mix back together and turn back into what it was, [salt...or...just water] soon after the power is turned off [short shelf life]

And I certainly don't get the zapper connection.  sigh

##  An original misnomer that throws away meaning: "Blood Electrification"
See, It looks to me that Beck, Clark and company got the effect right, but the REASON for the effect, wrong.

You can't "electrify" a water based liquid like a metal's all chemical "Ion transport" of electrons, not electron flow.
 It's not an electron gun shooting enemy DNA soldiers.
It's electrons riding the chemical bus line around town. [running down criminal pedestrians in the road? ...and maybe scuffing the curbs a bit, just enough for a nice shiny new coat of paint to stick well ]

Also, since the original premise is [likely] in error and chemical reactions take time.."Frequency" will be about penetration and concentration as chemicals are washed around by blood river...and polarity, a matter of what chemical is made where.
 You have at least 4 different chemical "tweeks" to work with...maybe more.

It's [theoretically] like making Miracle Cleaner Water in your veins and tissues where YOU are the single bucket of salt water and both products made FROM the salt are ready to turn right back INTO salt.... the moment you turn the Zapper off.

That's assuming that there is no real difference between a "People bucket of salt water" and a "Mud bucket of salt water", with the same electricity applied to a pair of electrodes. The nice part is that controlling the concentration of either product can be done with relative electrode size [square inches of area]....and WHERE that concentration concentrates, can be done with electrode placement...and how FAST both are produced, controlled by a simple current knob. [in either a bucket OR a body ]

IF [in fact] a cancer can't live in an Alkaline environment, you could configure the electrodes to concentrate the production of Lye near a tumor, and make the Chlorine very dilute over a much wider area...and where the two meet, they turn back into salt. If you have a localized infection, you can concentrate the Chlorine there and dilute the Lye.

You get to chemically poison a targeted area, just right.....and quit real fast...and sort of pick your poison.

To me, [ in motorhead "body work" terms where "paint" represents bugs, parasites, damaged or malformed cells and fatty plaque deposits] that sounds like a Chemo-Therapy sand blaster with a way to control the air pressure and direction of the blasting sand so you can wash the crappy paint off without cutting a hole in the steel, giving you a nice clean surface for new paint to grow AND an easy way to keep sand from piling up on the floor..... rather than a Chemo GRENADE where all you can do is pull the pin and RUN...hoping to stay out of the crater. [.....flush a clogged toilet with a cherry bomb? Well, that works, but what does the bathroom look like afterwards? A little Draino and some Chlorox.....a better idea...and applied in the right places in the right amounts ]

.....something like the difference between stripping paint off a wooden house with a torch and brush, vs a forest fire.

Once the surface is clean....then we can get into stem cell production with Silver Ions and directed Iontophorosis ....."Bondo" body filler.
 Same ZAPPER, same electricity..... different electrodes.
If you use silver electrodes to start with, it might just all get done all at once.



-------Original Message-------

  You talkin magic miracle water or Zapper here?
...mebbe both.

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