On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 10:28:24AM +0000, M. G. Devour wrote:
> Just thought I'd drop in and clear up a mis-understanding...
> I don't know if Jason's suggested supplier for DMSO is the "best" or 
> not, but the PRICE they're charging is $14 for 2 ounces or $38 for 8 
> ounces, NOT $99.95, as Indi and sol mis-interpreted his post.  That's 
> still pretty expensive, yes, but the "99.95 true" Jason reported was 
> the purity, not the price. <grin>

Hey Mike, thanks for clearing that up. Must've been thinking of other 
things to have misread it like that. Of course, $76 per pint is still 
way high, IMO....

> I do, however, agree with Indi's comments on equine-quality DMSO being 
> more than pure enough for us "two-legs." For the price of one decent  
> thoroughbred you could buy ten of me! Nobody's going to risk their 
> business selling anything that could be harmful to horse owners.

Exactly. I'd wager that they say "99%" only to cover their butts, the other 
1% is probably just to allow for the possibilty of condensation in the storage 
tanks or something. 


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