The company that made the original Cell Food is found at  I didn't look to see if you can order from there,
or you have to get it somewhere else, but at least this will tell you what
to look for.  I believe now there are copy cats out there.  The MLM company
that I use to buy it from called it something else, but a guy that was on
the board of that company told me it was really Cell Food, and which company
made it.

Cell Food, at the time I was involved in it, was said to do MANY amazing
things.  I can't say for sure about diabetes or anything else, but I will
say how I got involved--for myself, I never pushed it in the MLM company--I
just had to 'join' so that I could buy it.

Anyway--I was set up at a sports show, had a booth there.  The show was a
dud, almost no one was there.  So we vendors had all day to walk around and
talk to each other.  There was a table a few isles from me that said "free
oxygen".  Out of curiosity I stopped.  The guy was rabid about how it had
saved his wife's life.  

I have been in the health field long enough to know that anything will work
for someone, and nothing works for everyone.  So I was a bit skeptical that
it would do all he claimed.

Now, I had been having something going on with my eyes--all kind of itchy
inside, dry feeling.  I hadn't really done anything about it, but this had
been going on for at least 2 months.

So this guy is going on and on about the product, and he gives me a small
glass of water with some drops of the Cell Food (called something else) in
it.  I politely drank it while he kept going on.  Finally I said I had to
get back to my booth.  

I went back and sat down, and being bored, I picked up some material and
started reading it.  I suddenly noticed that my eye weren't itchy anymore! 
At first I thought--oh, I'm just making this up.  Nothing works this
fast--as it was only 15 minutes since I had drank the water.  

But, all the rest of the day, my eyes never itched once.  I could not
believe it.  So at the end of the show I went over and bought 2 bottles.

I've had asthma as a child, but outgrew it.  As a young adult I seldom got
attacks, but if I exerted myself, like with exercise, I would always be
short of breath, and if I got cold (I use to live in Illinois) my lungs
would hurt with the cold, if I got a physical cold, it would settle in my

Within a day of taking Cell Food I could literally tell a remarkable
difference in my lung capacity.  I could breath all the way down to the
bottom of my lungs!  If I exercised, I could go much longer without getting
out of breath, and no lung pain with it. 

As long as I continued to take the Cell Food, this continued.  But after 2
years on it, the lung effect started wearing off, and I could feel a tight
chest again, having a hard time breathing to the bottom of my lungs.  I
assumed that I had somehow gotten use to the Cell Food, so that it stopped
working, so I quit taking it.

What really happened, I found out later, was that to make more money the MLM
company had started diluting the formula!!  The board guy told me this.  I
ran into him about 2 years after I quit taking the Cell Food and he told me
this, and told me that he had argued with the husband/wife company owner
about it.  They wouldn't listen to him so he quit the company.  He had made
a LOT of money with that company, but he gave it up because he would not
cheat people.

But I didn't start back on the Cell Food because it was still hard to come
by--you had to special order it, and I just never got around to it.  Now I
see that it is being carried in some local health food stores!

So, it may totally be worth the 20 some bucks to try it out, because if it's
going to work for you, it will work within a matter of days.  

And just so you know--I'm VERY unsensitive about products meaning that I can
take "super strong" product and get nothing out of it.  I'm kind of the
gauge, because if it works on me so that I can FEEL a difference, it's a
great product.  :-)


-------Original Message-------
Do you think the Cell Food possibly might have anything to do with blood
sugar or diabetes control?
Would you please give a direct link to order the Cell Food that you like?