I received a request for the percentage and strength of each component of the drops I used so here are the details:

Started out with---1 oz my homemade CS approx 12 ppm, 1 tsp pure msm (opti-msm powder), 1 ml DMSO. Over time, I added quite a bit more DMSO (a little at a time to my tolerance) and less msm (msm stings my eyes). I had read that one drop of pure DMSO can be used straight in the eye for cataracts, and I did ONE eye--that ended that experiment for me! I also could not find out whether it was to be a one time treatment, or how many times a day for how long, and since it was so painful (for me) I opted for more comfortable treatment.

The carnosine eye drops are commercial products----Bright Eyes III by Life Extension, available from iherb, and Can-C from international antiaging systems---here is their article about carnosine for cataracts:
purchase link
The ingredients were nearly identical: the LE product is much cheaper, and it took quite a long time to receive the Can-C drops from overseas. Of the two brands, I found the dropper bottle of the LE product easier to use.

Because of the other ingredients in the eye drops, I did not try to add any DMSO directly to the eye drop solution, but used the NAC drops at different times of day from the CS/MSM/DMSO homemade eye drop.

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