If a doctor wanders outside his/her little approved box, he/she, gets the CRAP sued out of them if they are wrong.
Inside the box, insurance protects them...no matter how wrong.

I've sold CS generators to many doctors, 6 delivered to a NYC Hospital. [Not paid for BY the Hospital ]

 "Whispered prescription" and "I didn't tell you anything"
..now get outta here, I can't help you.

Some Docs are far less ignorant than they have to pretend to be, in self defense.. A local dentist saw first hand what CS did for a huge cavity, plaque and tarter and was amazed.
 A new "believer"...but...."I can't use it"

They might even be using CS on you, but can't tell you they are.


At 08:37 AM 7/18/2009 +0100, you wrote:
this is so I believe. Most are just ignorant and haven't done any research except into drugs, which they believe are the be all and end all. Near enough every physician I have met has raised disbelieving eyes in regard to CS, no matter how much evidence (anecdotal) I produce. They are all blinkered, as are a lot of ordinary people I meet, who trust their GP's/vets/consultants, implicitly, even when their diagnoses have been wrong, or their 'cures' haven't cured. dee

On 18 Jul 2009, at 04:21, Pat wrote:

Very interesting! So either my ophthalmologist is ignorant or lying when he said nothing works for cataract. He said a cataract is like a cooked egg, once the protein is changed, you can't change it back. I asked him about Bright Eye drops and he said nothing helps and that he's angry about quack cures that take people's money with no hope of a real cure. Maybe doctors are so buried in the standard medical literature that they have no time to read about new research, . . . and who wants cheap cures that don't require a doctor, anyway.


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