Pat wrote:
Very interesting!  So either my ophthalmologist is ignorant or lying when he said nothing works for cataract.  He said a cataract is like a cooked egg, once the protein is changed, you can't change it back.
Most are also ignorant of the connection between lactose and cataracts or consider it quackery as well. But I can speak firsthand to eliminating dairy entirely also reversing an early cataract around a decade ago. Eliminating dairy eliminated the cataract.
This time around my diet is so limited due to allergies, that I simply could not find enough protein without some dairy, which is why I tried the other measures I wrote about. Had I still been able to stop all dairy products, I would have done that as well.
In fact, it was only after a few years of adding dairy back into my diet that I turned up with cataracts again............
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