Try oregano oil(3 drops three times a day)  and EIS as  nasal spray and orally 
(sublingual 1 minute).  Stops asthma and allergy attacks for  me instantly.


--- On Fri, 9/11/09, Clayton Family <> wrote:

> From: Clayton Family <>
> Subject: Re: CS>FW: asthma- Gina
> To:
> Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 6:29 PM
> Yes, you really have to give her the
> albuterol if she can't breath. It is the only thing to
> do.  
> If it were me, I would use EIS or cs in the
> nebulizer, with no DMSO at all. Some allergic people are
> very sensitive to sulfers, so I would not chance
> it.
> I would really really talk to the doctor about
> the use of the steroid inhalers. They all seem to love them,
> but they are of no use for wheezing. They say they are to be
> used to reduce the inflammation in the long run. However, if
> asthma is related to fungal infections as more recent
> research indicates, it might only serve to increase the
> infection, if there is one. Steroids can not be stopped cold
> turkey, though, since the body becomes adapted to
> them.
> My home made CS helps my asthma a great deal. I
> grew up with asthma from the age of 2, so I know what your
> daughter is going through.
> Best Wishes,
> Kathryn
> On Sep 11, 2009, at 2:52 PM, Gina Moore
> wrote:
> I've given her CS twice in the nebulizer.
>  I succumbed to giving her some of
> the asthma drugs too.  Ugh.  Xoepenex and
> Budesonide.
>  I prefer 'natural'
> stuff, but she was really wheezing/retracting and I know
> that stuff will
> make that stop.  I didn't know what else to do.
>  :-(
> She does seem to be doing better now.  She was
> worrying me this morning.
> But the CS and drugs in the nebulizer seem to be working
> now.  Ugh.  Just
> trying to stay out of the hospital!  Will be
> nebulizing more CS in a few
> minutes.  Is giving CS nebulized every 3-4 hours
> sufficient?  Someone

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