This is good to know. Hmmm, the first thing I said to my son when I learned
he is gay was: "Well, if you or your buddies come down with AIDS, at least I
can cure you!!"
So far he and his spouse are OK.

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 8:28 AM, Carlene Yasak <>wrote:

> Hi to all,
> Diane already answered your questions about DMSO.  I bought mine from a
> vitamin supplement website in the U.S. (it's 99.9 % DMSO).
> I also want to confirm that CS with DMSO was the only thing this person
> took prior to his second blood test.
> The CS I make is around 10 ppm and I added 5% DMSO to improve penetration
> and get maximum benefit for this person.  (I thought about adding a few
> drops of H202 but decided against it). We agreed he would take two
> tablespoons every 30 minutes at first (it was probably not necessary to take
> that much, but we felt his body would just eliminate what it didn't use and
> we wanted to give it a good shot).
> First 48 hours :  2 Tablespoons CS with DMSO every 30 minutes (when he was
> awake: no effort was made to take it during the night for example).
> Second 48 hours : 2 tablespoons CS with DMSO every hour during waking
> hours.
> Thereafter, 2 tablespoons early morning, noon, afternoon and evening.
> Now he only takes the CS in the evening and on waking in the morning
> because he drinks kefir water while at work during the day.  He takes the
> kefir at least two hours after taking the CS/DMSO, with the understanding
> that they should not be taken together.  This maintenance dose is 2
> tablespoons each CS/DMSO three times  a day : twice in the evening and on
> waking in the morning.
> I've learned a lot from all of you on the Silver List--almost everything I
> know about the subject of CS/EIS--so I want to thank you all for your
> generous sharing.  You're a great bunch of people.
> I hope many will benefit from these inexpensive therapies and health aids.
> With every good wish,
> Carlene