It'll take quite a while.

 But try this:

Use a half gallon container with a spigot, drain out what you need and top off the water. That way you'll only be bringing concentration up that far, not all the way every time and the "Ramp up to Current" time, a HUGE variable, will be eliminated or greatly reduced.

The existing generator can be fairly easily modified to handle double the electrode area to double the rate. using 14" long electrodes vs 7 inch and double the current...but that won't fit in a quart jar and silver is rather pricey.

Just the other day I made up an electrode array using 3 sets of 7" electrodes and a modified PocketPuppy to run it....triple the current.. to make a gallon in about 6 hours. Three 14" electrode sets and 6x the current would be even faster. [It'll handle up to 20x the current and 140 inches of $$ electrode $$..but that won't fit into a gallon jar]
 The electrode connections is the trickiest part.
Either it's a wire and clip mess, or it's all sealed up and you can't take it apart to replace or clean the electrodes...take your pick. [Workin on it as time permits]


At 11:05 AM 10/6/2009 -0400, you wrote:
Ok thanks...I'll have to throw out what I have as I made 3 batches and put
them all in one glass half gallon jar. With three kids we'll go through it
on a regular basis...that's why I was making some to "stock" up.

I guess I'll try my silver puppy on a half gallon container and see how long
it takes to make that work!


-----Original Message-----
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:53 AM
Subject: CS>Making CS

Lisa wrote:
> I hate to admit it -- but I'm *totally* confused now.
> I made several batches of EIS and stored them in a half gallon container.
> Now being 3 days old it's definitely taken on a metallic type taste. I
> DW in most of the batches and forgot to use it one time and wound up using
> our "tap" water which is actually well water. We do have a higher level of
> iron in ours so we use a Brita filter when we drink it.
Use the one from well water for adding to your plants, or topically, I
would not drink it.
> Should I be adding a pinch of salt to my water?
No, never.
> And could I stick with my
> well water (after awhile DW does add up in cost -- since I'm not working)!
> And if I use Himalayan sea salt ok?
No, it produces silver salts, not collidal silver ( EIS ).

> Thx
> Lisa

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