  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: zoe w 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 3:35 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Bone Spur

  LOL,  I drank it.   8-) 

  MaryAnn Helland wrote: 
    Ummm Zoe?  After you put the cayenne pepper in the Bragg's Raw Apple Cider 
vinegar -- what exactly did you do with this stuff?  MA

    From: zoe w <>
    Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 2009 4:40:28 PM
    Subject: Re: CS>Bone Spur

    Once upon a time I had bonespurs on both heels- quite painful  and one 
    on my wrist just below the thumb joint  which interfered with thumb 
    movement  and was also quite painful.

    I also had  some painful hemorrhoids  for which someone advised I put 
    some  cayenne pepper  in some Bragg's  Raw Apple Cider vinegar.  This 
    seemed really strange to me  but others on the list verified it worked 
    so I tried it.    Not only did it clear the rrhoids  after about 3 
    weeks  I noticed  that all the bone spurs were gone as well.  That was 
    several years ago  and  none have  come back.


    Dan Nave wrote:
    > This was written by ransley a few months ago.  It may relate to your
    > inquiry about bone spur mitigation...
    > Dan
    > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    > From:  <>
    > Date: Fri, May 15, 2009 at 7:20 AM
    > Subject: RE: CS>Synopsis of my experience with Magnesium Bicarbonate
    > To:
    > Cc: "M. G. Devour" <>
    > Mike wrote:
    > Do you take these magnesium doses on an empty stomach? You say you did 
    > mostly at night, so I'm wondering how long after meals or snacking...
    > When you get a chance would you please describe what you're doing with
    > (digestive enzymes), as well as product source and maybe pointers to
    > information you've found useful? I think either or both of these therapies
    > may end up being part of my own path to recovery.
    > Hey Mike-
    > Sorry to take so long, been out of town for a few days.
    > Yes, on empty stomach, 2 hours minimum after eating anything and 
    > not having eaten too much at that time just to be sure. Sometimes 3-4 
    > since I was really serious about getting the best effect of this. I did it
    > at night merely because magnesium is calming and inducing of sleep and
    > because some of these effects demanded being still.
    > I have another reason for getting into enzymes. My wife has a breast lump
    > that was not diagnosed as cancerous, but the surgeon tried to scare her 
    > immediate surgery. We are limited in our options about that here 
    > because of medical mega-corporations moving into the area. So we're going
    > alternative. Enzymes are part of what we're doing and I'm doing everything
    > she's doing just on general principle. Besides, I have a few lumps and 
    > scattered around and want to see what enzymes will do for them.
    > There are many excellent enzymes out there, so many that it is confusing,
    > but I was really impressed when Bragg's got into the act:
    > It seems to me that Bragg's doesn't get into something that they don't
    > totally believe in. I listened to the audio at that site by William Wong,
    > over and over and decided this was for me.
    > We ordered ours from Fubao Health Store in San Francisco and were pleased
    > with their price and their free shipping deal over $99. Delivery was 
    > My wife is eating raw Daikon Radish as part of her enzyme effort. 
    > they help disperse fibro-tumors. We are also considering Lumbrokinase 
    > is fairly new. I'd really like to hear from anyone who has taken it.
    > Hope this helps, Bob/DaddyBob
    > --
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