Generation Rescue Supports Desiree Jennings, Washington Redskin Cheerleader Disabled by Flu Shot
     For Immediate Release: November 3, 2009
Los Angeles, CA: The parents of Generation Rescue, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing and reversing autism, wish to express their hope and prayers for the complete recovery of Desiree Jennings from the injuries she suffered after receiving a flu shot. Desiree's tragic story has become a national sensation, with multiple news stories and more than 5 million viewings of her heart-wrenching journey on YouTube. We're grateful that Ms. Jennings has had the courage to share her story with the world, and we're hopeful that even more Americans will wake up to the reality that vaccines can prevent disease, but also have side effects. For certain more sensitive individuals, and as evidenced through Desiree Jennings' experience, these side effects can sometimes be devastating. Many parents of children with autism would not be surprised to see that the vaccine makers have mounted a response to Ms. Jenning's heart-wrenching story. We've seen doctors on TV, who have never examined Ms. Jennings themselves, speculate that her injury is all in her head, a "psychogenic" disorder. This is an astonishing breakdown in medical ethics and reminds many of us in the autism world of the days when we were told that autism was caused by "cold" mothers. Today, the same denialism exists when a child recovers from autism -- the talking heads appear to pontificate that the autism must have never existed. Few Americans realize that our government maintains a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and a fund to pay for vaccine injury, which so far has paid out nearly $2 billion to compensate the families of the vaccine-injured, which includes more than 11,000 injuries and 1,000 deaths. Do vaccines save lives? Absolutely. Can they also cause harm? Our government certainly thinks so. According to media reports, Ms. Jennings was suffering from a medical condition known as dystonia. Contrary to reports from doctors on TV who claim that a vaccine could never cause dystonia, the condition dystonia is listed in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System as a possible side effect from vaccines and there are 67 reports of dystonia in the system. Any journalist could validate these 67 reports. Ms. Jennings experience, in many ways, parallels the experience of our children, who many of us watched regress into autism after the administration of multiple vaccines. Unlike our children, Ms. Jennings can speak and share her experience with the world. We have been pleased to learn that Ms. Jennings is being treated by medical doctors who are experts in dealing with vaccine injury, that her symptoms have measurably improved, and that the hopes of her family that she makes a full recovery are stronger than ever. We have no doubt that Ms. Jennings will, on a timeframe that allows for her recovery and works for her, tell her story to the world. This is Ms. Jennings' story, and we eagerly await a positive outcome. Our prayers are with her and her family.
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