Golly, Orrilia, it sounds dreadful!  More like Saudi or Columbia or somewhere 
than my idea of the US of A!  dee

On 13 Nov 2009, at 20:46, jr orrilia wrote:

> Hi Dorothy.  I don't think "they" care if you have any allergies.  The 
> vaccine itself will probably kill us in the long run.  I have been following 
> certain sites in the US, and if mandatory, there would be check points on 
> roads to see if you have been vaccinated, if not, you would be forced to take 
> one on the spot and if you refuse, you could be taken to camps, and who knows 
> what would happen there, also they could go to your house and force you at 
> gunpoint to take the vaccine, or, if they feel that anyone has any type of 
> symptoms that could possibly be the flu, they could tear your house down for 
> heath purposes,  your banking privileges could also be taken away, your 
> children would be taken away if they are not vaccinated, etc....so many 
> scenarios. I am no saying that they are all true, not do I want to sound 
> paranoid or negative, I just want to be prepared for whatever comes. Also, 
> whatever WHO says goes, they would have more authority than our goverments.  
> Thanks Dorothy for sharing your comments.
>  Orrilia