Hi Gina,

This is not meant as a jab in any way, in case it first comes across like one, 
but I was wondering what your opinion, as a layperson like myself, might be 
about vitamin D and Lyme non-spirochetal bacterial forms.

 Lida Mattman, Dr. Trevor Marshall and others seem to think that avoiding 
vitamin D is a crucial part of regaining health for someone with Lyme disease 
or having other chronic health conditions involving L-form bacteria.


 Bryan Rosner, author of several books on Lyme disease, has used the Marshall 
protocol with reportedly good results and even credits it for getting him over 
the final hurdle. (I wonder if he has really crossed the final hurdle though)

My own take on this so far has been that the Marshall Protocol seems more or 
less unsubstantiated, in any large way, and could even be quite risky due to 
the protocol's suggestion of a complete vitamin D deprivation/avoidance 

 I have opted, so far, to avoid heavy vitamin D supplementation but certainly 
don't hide from the sun, although I do not make a point of purposely exposing 
myself to the sun for vitamin D creation. I guess I try to run things pretty 
much down the middle and avoid the extremes at both ends of the spectrum.

How do you approach this? Do you totally disagree with the premise of the 
Marshall Protocol? Sometimes, I feel inclined to do this myself but don't want 
to mess myself up either.

If anyone else can throw in their own two cents, please do. I have been a 
fence-sitter on this issue for some time so I'd love to get some opinions from 
others who have had a chance to study it themselves!

Many thanks!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Gina Moore 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 6:18 PM
  Subject: RE: CS>OT Vitamin D

  You probably weren't taking enough from what I understand.  Most people can 
take 5000 IU a day for maintenance, if their levels are already up.  (Said with 
the thought that you will do your homework and find out how much you personally 
need to take!)  


  http://grassrootshealth.net/ is a very good site for Vit D info.  This video 
in particular is fantastic: 
http://www.ucsd.tv/search-details.aspx?showID=16940.  It's 30 minutes long, but 
worth every second to watch it.


  From what I can tell, Vit D is super important.  I will never be without it 




  From: Jeff Maahs [mailto:j_ma...@yahoo.com] 
  Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 3:11 PM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: CS>OT Vitamin D


  Right after joining this group someone posted how important Vitamin D3 was to 
our health. My daily vitamin wasn't going to cut it during the flu season so 
following suggestions I ordered some for myself and smaller dosage for the 

  I've been taking 2000IU daily for over 3 weeks. Today I got results from my 
physical blood test on Vit D and it was 25! The doctor called in a prescription 
for 50,000/week. 

  Does Vit D take time to build up or was I simply not taking enough do you 

  I also wanted to say thanks to those that had the Vit D discussion. I would 
not have thought to check otherwise.
