It's a liver yin deficiency with heat rising.  There are some great points and 
herbs for this, but patterns can vary.  When you feel one coming on, eat/drink 
something very cold.
I can give dietary pointers, if you'd like.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Renee 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 10:05 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Speaking of Migraines....

        Nice.  Good job.  And great info.


        -------Original Message-------

              Here is a link to my wife's attempt to put together a list of 
migraine remedies and so on.  

              She was getting lost with all the info and so decided to put it 
together in a word document for her own use.  Then, she wanted to pass this 
info along to some of her friends on her yahoo Pet Rat groups, but it was 
getting difficult since some folks couldn't open up her Word document.

              So, today I converted it to a web page.   Migraines have nothing 
to do with Rats, but I fiddled around with a photo I had taken of Pongo, one of 
our Rex rats and turned it into the background for the page so it wouldn't just 
be all black and white.