Cordyceps is mushrooms.


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 6:24 AM, Pat <> wrote:

>  Following is the list of ingredients, according to the company.  I'm
> already taking the C, occasionally milk thistle, N acetyl cysteine, and the
> R form of ALA.
> Where did you see that it contains mushrooms?  Funny how regular mushrooms
> don't bother me, but daughter in law has intestinal distress within 30
> minutes.  Once I sent her to the bathroom by giving her EmergenC, another
> time by serving sauteed mushrooms.  Sheesh, I try to be good but might be
> the MIL from h*ll.
>   What are the ingredients of MaxGXL™ and what do they do?
> Calcium Ascorbate- A mineral salt of Vitamin C. Calcium Ascorbate is 80%
> Vitamin C and 20% calcium. Ascorbates are less acidic than other types of
> vitamin C and provide better absorption than ascorbic acid alone. It
> protects the body from toxins and acts as an immune builder and as an
> antioxidant. It is essential for growth and repair of tissues. It helps your
> body to cope with physical and mental stress. Calcium Ascorbate produces the
> frequency necessary to activate protease so is a key component to proper
> protein digestion as well. Also maximizes NAC absorption and helps protect
> existing glutathione stores.
> L-Glutamine- The most abundant of all of the amino acids found in the
> muscles of the body. It has the ability to penetrate the so-called
> blood-brain barrier and is readily transformed into Glutamic Acid, which is
> essential for cerebral function. In other words, this amino acid is used as
> brain fuel. L-glutamine is an essential dietary component which nourishes
> cells in the gastro-intestinal lining, liver and immune system. It also
> preserves liver glutathione after hepatic injury.
> Milk Thistle- Contains some of the most potent liver protecting substances
> known. One of the active phytochemicals called Sylimarin prevents free
> radical damage in the liver and kidneys. It also stimulates new liver cells
> and is an excellent immune system builder.
> N acetyl Cysteine (NAC) - N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is the best dietary
> source of glutathione. It is a main precursor for the manufacture of
> glutathione (GSH).
> N-acetyl d-glucosamine - N-acetyl-d-glucosamine (NAG) is a key precursor in
> the biosynthesis of mucosal glycoproteins. It protects the underlying
> tissues from enzymes, acids and bacteria while providing a surface to absorb
> nutrients.
> Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) - Alpha lipoic acid increases the body's ability to
> use cysteine to manufacture glutathione. It also enables the key enzyme
> required for glutathione synthesis to work at optimal conditions, and
> induces an increase in intracellular GSH.
> Quercitin - Quercitin plays a critical role in regenerating glutathione and
> helps to eliminate toxic compounds found in the liver.
> Cordyceps - Cordyceps functions as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
> agent. It has also been shown to increase liver energy and glutathione
> synthesis. In MaxGXL, however, its primary function is to reduce
> inflammation and free radicals by decreasing the thermostat for inflammation
> called nuclear factor kappa beta.
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Nenah Sylver <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Thu, December 17, 2009 12:01:48 AM
> *Subject:* RE: CS>MaxGXL
>  I would be careful with the MaxGXL. It contains a lot of medicinal
> mushrooms that may negatively affect people who have Candida.
> Someone sent me a sample packet, and I felt awful on the stuff. You can
> purchase all its ingredients, minus the mushrooms, for a lot cheaper.
> Nenah
> Nenah Sylver, PhD
> author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009),
> now available in HARDCOVER
> & The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy