How does this product's price compare to mixing your own glutathione
    Steve N

-----Original Message-----
From: Annie B Smythe [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: CS>MaxGXL

Hey Pat:)

You can't directly put glutathione into the body 
because it's poorly absorbed by the digestive 
tract. I've been doing some reading on glutathione 
myself  for a a few weeks and found this article:

All these folks are doing is putting the three 
precursors together in a capsule and charging a 
ton of money for it. You can find the precursors 
cheaper by themselves and make your own capsules. 
For 85.00 I can find all of tat stuff separately 
and in a lot bigger quantities. The three 
precursors, the three ingredients listed under vit 
C, can be found at 1Fast400 and some of them are 
on Amazon, by the same company. That's the most 
reasonable I've found them. You can get ALA cheap 
on Swanson's site also. And ascorbic acid(vitmin 
C) can be had on 1FAST400, or eBay by the lb. 
Our4Corners store on eBay has 1lb of Milk Thistle 
cheap, and Mountain Rose Herbs has it cheap by the 
lb, but you can buy it in 4 oz, and 8 oz sizes, or 
could last time I checked.  It may cost you a 
little more than 85.00 come to think of it, right 
up front, but it will last a loooong time, a lot 
longer than 30 days. And it WILL work out to a 
heck of a lot less than 85.00 a month. That's just 
outrageous. But really for glutathione levels all 
you really need is the three precursors. Give your 
body those and it'll go the rest. All the other 
stuff in that supplement is nice, but not 
necessary for increasing glutathione levels. I 
believe you can get glutathione injections, but I 
don't know who or where.
But it's up to you if you want to buy it or not. 
According to the stuff I've read, yeah it should 
work, but you can do it much cheaper than that.


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